Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Summoned Self Summary

Robert Caridi
CW1 Dr. Walts
“The Summoned Self” by David Brooks Summary

The Destination Vs. The journey

The main purpose of the text is to show the difference between two different types of living. The writer describes the path chosen to take the journey of life but in the end he is not interested in the journey he is interested in the destination. The author starts out by talking about the more organized version of life, then later switches to the life that you basically fly by the seat of your pants. After explaining both life styles the write compares the two lives and states how it doesn’t matter which life you live as long as you reach the same endpoint. It is ironic that he starts of his paper with the organized life then switches to the unorganized life while still maintaining flow and organization in his paper. The examples in the evidence are experiences that are happening in the moment but you cannot look at the moment to see if you truly did a good job, you have to look back well after the matter is over to truly evaluate your success of the event. The author is trying to say that regardless of how you live your life you really can only fly by the seat of your pants even if you are organized and prepared. Life will throw many challenges at you and how you handle them will depict your ending point in your life.

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